Llanidloes Photographic Group

Llanidloes Photographic Group

Telephone: 01686 430203


Venue & Day: Meetings take place in the Schoolroom of the Baptist Chapel at 7.30pm on the second and fourth Thursday of each month with fewer meetings in the depth of winter and height of summer. Saturday outings are usually in the afternoon with details nearer the time. New members always welcome.

2020 meetings

Thursday 27th February - Talk by Richard Becker - Slow Photography
Saturday 14th March - Photo trail in Llanidloes
Thursday 26th March - Bring photos from Photo Trail to discuss
Thursday 9th April - Water Splash Activity and Video
Thursday 23rd April - Bring photos of Water Splash Activity to Discuss
Thursday 14th May - Bring Photos of Market Hall, Llanidloes to discuss
Saturday 23rd May - Photographic Opportunity at Sailing Club Open Day

The leader of the Group is Bill Bagley
Administrator is Nicola Baker - phone number 01686 430203



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