
Cambrian Mountain Events

Booking Form

Sabrina Trail

Events Saturday 25th May 2024
Discover more

Cost: adults £50.00,
under 18s, over 60s £30.00

SECTION 1: Main Registrant

[] In Entering this Event you the Main Registrant and all other Persons you Register for this event; confirm that you have read, understood and meet the required criteria to safely undertake and complete the event without compromising your safety, the safety of other participants, the safety of the event team or the safety of the general public alike. To review the Event Entry Criteria summary again, please click on this link

Payment Method:


First name:

Age (the main entrant must be 18yrs +):

Mobile Tel No (the number of the phone you will have on your person on the event):

Email address:

Medical Conditions that could affect you on the walk including any medications you may take:

Name of Next of Kin for Emergency Contact:

Next of Kin Contact Telephone Number:

[OPTIONAL] We encourage all participants to take this challenge as an opportunity to fundraise for our chosen charity, The Gurkha Welfare Trust. The Gurkha Welfare Trust provides vital support to Gurkha veterans, their families and communities in Nepal. Please tick here if you are happy for your contact details to be shared with The Gurkha Welfare Trust. They will email you with fundraising advice and information about their work in Nepal.

[] Do you declare that you are free of any health impediments and remain physically able to undertake all activities in the Event without compromising your Personal Safety, the safety of Other Participants, the safety of Directing Staff and the General Public

SECTION 2: Adding Additional Persons to this booking

How many ADDITIONAL persons to be added to this booking. Change the drop down above if you need to update number.

SECTION 3: Entrants Agreement to event terms, conditions, rules and requisites

(v3 - updated 09-Nov-2022)

Please tick the boxes to confirm your acceptance/agreement and sign the declaration in Section 4. If you do not/cannot agree to any one of these Terms, Conditions or Requisites you will not be permitted to enter and take-part in the event.

[] The entrant and persons they register, confirm that they have no relevant medical conditions/issues; have not been admitted to hospital, had any medical treatment or any form of surgery that may be of relevance; and do not have any other relevant physical or mental ailments that could restrict or impede them from safely undertaking and completing the event without compromising their safety, the safety of other participants, the safety of members of the event teams and the general public alike. FAILURE TO TRUTHFULLY CONFIRM THIS OR PROVIDING FALSE INFORMATION IN THIS REGARD, WILL PUT YOU AND ALL OTHER PERSONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EVENT AT RISK. (v3)

[] The entrant and persons they register, confirm that are in good health, free of any health impediments, and that they will safely and competently undertake and complete the event self-supported on the given terrain without compromising their safety, the safety of other participants, the safety of members of the event teams and the general public alike.

[] The entrant and persons they register, fully accept and agree that they are registering to take-on an event in the Cambrian Mountains in Wales United Kingdom; and in this respect have all the necessary experience, skills, equipment, competence and confidence to safely undertake and complete the event self-supported on the given terrain without compromising their safety, the safety of other participants, the safety of members of the event teams and the general public alike.

(*). NOTE: if in the slightest doubt of the Terrain and associated risks in the Cambrian Mountains, you are yet again advised to review our Entry Criteria summary - DO NOT trivialise the advice given here.

[] The entrant and persons they register, fully accept and agree that the route is in the Cambrian Mountains; and is routed through a combination of Mountain, Forest and Lowland Terrain. They agree to ensure that they fully adhere to Mountain Safety Guidance & Advice that is provided by Mountain Rescue England & Wales and the British Mountaineering Council alike. If in doubt please refer to: mountain.rescue.org.uk You also acknowledge that you fully understand this and will abide by the respective guidance and advice.

[] The entrant and persons they register, fully accept and agree that there are sections of main Roads you will need to cross or walk along on-route. Please cross or walk along these roads safely, give way to vehicles using the road and do not cause a hazard or obstruction to traffic on the road. Please adhere to the Highway Code Rules for Pedestrians (1-35). If in doubt refer to: gov.uk You also acknowledge that you fully understand this and will abide by the respective guidance and advice.

[] The entrant and persons they register, fully accept and agree that a majority of the Route is on permissive footpaths in the countryside and through working farmland. Please respect other users of these permissive footpaths, rules and advice you may find implemented on the farms, and adhere to the Country Code at all times. If in doubt please refer to: gov.uk You acknowledge that you fully understand this and will abide by the respective guidance and advice.

[] The Entrant and persons they register, agree to be respectful and courteous all other persons who may use Public all Right-of-way sections on the Route, and not cause any harm, hindrance or disruption to any such persons activities

[] The entrant and persons they register, accept and agree that sections of the route is through Private Land with expressive permission granted by the Landowners for the event. You agree to strictly adhere to any rules or advice given when travelling through these sections.

[] The entrant and persons they register who enter the event with dogs, agree to ensure that their dogs will be strictly controlled and on a lead at all times; and will also responsibly collect, carry and dispose excrement in a dedicated waste bin when available.

[] The entrant and persons they register, agree to observe the Country Code at all times and Leave No Trace (LNT) of your activity during and on completion of the event.

[] The entrant and persons they register, confirm that they will well in advance of the event, use the Route Waypoint Coordinates provided in the entrants pack (which you will have access to once you have booked your entry and paid your entry fee) by uploading them to an online mapping app such as OSMaps Online and comprehensively review the route both in Topo and Aerial views to thoroughly understand and familiarise yourselves with all sections of the route you will travel through.

In the event they find any sections that they are not sure of or not confident with, they will visit the area, walk the route and satisfy themselves of their ability to undertake the event through any such sections, well in advance of the Event. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.

[] The entrant and persons they are register, confirm that they will attend the event adequately equipped to partake in such an activity, in the organized terrain, and to accommodate prevailing weather conditions at the time.

[] The entrant and persons they are register, confirm that they will competently navigate the given route on the given terrain without compromising their safety, the safety of other participants, the safety of members of the event team and the general public alike. CME strongly advocate that the route must be competently navigated with the aid of a map and compass in all instances; where hand-held GPS Navigation Aids or GPS enabled Watches with Navigation capability are considered secondary support equipment. Navigating using your mobile telephone will NOT be accepted. The entrant and the persons they register, accept and agree to this.

[] The entrant and persons they are register, acknowledge and agree that there will be no reliable mobile telephone reception (GSM Reception) on sections of the route through the Cambrian Mountains. In this regard, they acknowledge that it is their responsibility in an event of an accident, incident or emergency to find an area that has the required mobile signal to promptly and proactively contact event control to advise of the situation; and under no circumstance will they leave the event without firstly advising event control of their situation and intensions.

(*). NOTE: To further support communications on route, CME have now opened a CME Event Comms Zello account using admin@cambrianevents.co.uk Zello is a free mobile telephone app available to all.

[] The entrant and persons they are register, agree that where further communication support is required, they will open a Zello account and add the CME Account to their contacts to enable them to use this as another means of communication on the event.

[] The entrants and persons they register, will be issued a wristband or a self-adhesive event number (to be affixed to your clothing in a prominent location) at Registration. You agree to wear this at all times and promptly give the last 3 digits of your Number to Marshals at Check Point Stations you pass through, Marshals who may request for your number on other locations on the route, or to event control in the event of an emergency.

[] The entrants and persons they register, agree that in an event of emergency where they are unable to progress further or wish to retire:

1. Will promptly find a location with signal and report their number, nature of incident and location to event control.

2. Will if they cannot proceed to a location of signal, give their details to a passing entrant to convey the details to event control when they reach an area of signal.

3. Will stay in the position, utilise their emergency equipment to safely and competently protect themselves at the location, whilst awaiting the Sweeper to pass them or an Event Marshals to attend to rescue them.

4. You WILL NOT LEAVE YOUR POSITION - we will find you!

[] The entrant and persons you register, agree that you are willing to be bound by the terms, conditions, rules, and requisites of the event as laid out in this entry booking form, CME event entry criteria, the entrants brief, any pre-event communications, and finally the Entrants Brief on the day of the Event. You further accept and agree that you will heed all advise given by Marshals; and that in all circumstances will accept the Marshals decisions and advise as final.

[] The entrant and persons they register, reiterate that they are in good health, suitably experienced, possess all the necessary skills, will carry all the necessary equipment with a full understanding of how to use it, and will confidently/competently undertake and complete the event self-supported without compromising their safety, the safety of other participants, the safety of members of the event team and the general public alike. This is notwithstanding the comprehensive and stringent event controls CME implement on all the events we host.

[] The entrant and persons they register, confirm that they participate in the event at their own risk; and accept that no liability is accepted by the event organisers, event team, marshals, landowners on the route, the general public or the CME Committee alike for any inconvenience, injury, damage or loss sustained by you during the event.

NOTE: CME respects the calibre of Entrants who honestly agree to our terms, conditions and requisites in respect to their experience and ability to undertake and safely/competently complete the event. In this regard, once the entrant has agreed to and is bound by the CME Event entry terms, conditions, rules and requisite by their entry; CME will not question their experience or ability any further by requesting a pre-event kit-check or any such intrusive personal inspections, unless otherwise an entrant gives just cause to do so.

[] The entrant and persons they register, agree that the event organisers and marshals on the event can take photographs of activities that include yourselves and persons you are responsible for, for purposes of marketing and promoting future events.

[] The entrant and persons they register, agree that your details may be held in a secure electronic retrieval system for sole purposes of administering the event and advising you about future events. Your information will not be shared with third parties. You may unsubscribe at any time by contacting admin@cambrianevents.co.uk

SECTION 4: The main entrant's declaration

That the information provided above is true and accurate

Signature (type your name in full):


The Entrant and all persons they register including those who are under 18, will fully comply to all the event terms, conditions, rules and requisites highlighted in section 3 (and also the CME event entry criteria, the entrants brief, pre-event correspondence and the on-the-day brief) by signing this declaration.

The Entrant also declares that they will take full responsibility to ensure that the under 18 entrants they register fully comply to all the terms, conditions, rules and requisites of the Event; and confirms so by signing this declaration.



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